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Thursday, February 28, 2008
einstein and the expandable marshmellow!!

almost forgot to blog about the highlight of the day!! hahah i did physics prac with einstein and xiongfan ohmygosh super funny la!! i learnt a lot from their exchanges as well! BUT highlight was einstein and the expandable marshmellow mr chua gave us to play with. einstein very cleverly thought that by immersing the syringe containing the marshmellow in a beaker of hot water, the pressure in the syringe would increase and he'd have greater fun with the marshmellow and well being the not-so-scientifically inclined person i am i happily thought that this would be fun so we did just that hoho. after twenty minutes we got the syringe out and holymoly the marshmello melted and stuck to the bottom of the syringe!! it was this sick-looking mash of pink and white goo-EWW. hahahhah to think we forgot how we used to roast marshmellows and that this would happen!! hope mr chua doesn't find out heh!

random: my mom just smsed my bro. it read, " pa bought pok pok k" hahahahahhahahahha

wc :: 8:48 PM


i did my first cs for the year 2008 ystd!!! hahahha its seriously gotta be THE BEST cs session ever!! true it lasted twice as long as any other cs but heck i had a whopping good time there!(minus the bruise i sustained from i-can't-remember-where but from which i recovered with great aplomb seeing the crowd at cs ystd)we were made to pack goody bags for j3s i suppose, the teachers got us to form an assembly line/station kinda system where the boys go arnd with the bags and the girls just dump the stuff in! i was in charge of opening up the paper bags and boy was it fun! this girl from 6j and i stacked them up in pyramids and rambled on non-stop about how we were gonna put this experience in our resume hahah super fun!! we snagged some stuff too hoho(OOPS!) and halfway thru the cs the teacher told us to take a break and a drink. i only remarked casually that i didn't have a bottle when the teacher told me there were drinks. then i saw two cartons of bottled H-TWO-O. WHOA. wowed over. totally.

(goody bags that say "i'm a brightsparker, watch me shine!!")

oh and there was physics tutorial ystd! hahha sandra and i were well, kinda hungry(as usual) so i whipped out my life-saving GUMMIES!!! super yummy! but sandra dropped the pack and out fell two little gummies on the dirty and disgusting^infinity floor and she insisted on eating them still! ohmygosh crazy!! so to prevent her from that suicidal act i went to draw on the gummies with my pen hahhahahahah then we ended up drawing smileys on them and tadaah!!! our very proud masterpiece!!

(the appleys!!GUMMIESS!!!)

OH. i woke late last morning so i had no choice but to cab to school and ohmygosh the fare was UTTERLY ATROCIOUS can!! 16bucks!! i nearly died looking at the meter! and the annoying cabby went by steven rd, the longer route, along which we met with a terrible jam that made mr cabby so very happy. hmmph.

YAY!! papa got me the micro-sd card!! it was an ebay deal and we both were rather skeptical about it but it turned out fine!! hahah and my bro was scolding us for our distrust in online shopping...sorry la...country bumpkins first time online shop can!

yay and this kind ny-hc girl woke me up in the bus this morning, or i'd have slept WAY past hc!! thank God!! and thank her!!

wc :: 5:38 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008

i have come to the conclusion that some part of me says "accidents, come find me". mingyi and i went to the tennis courts to watch the juniors at tennis and the tennis balls just came straight for me somehow. didn't know i was THIS attractive man. then there was maverick and his volleyball-turned-soccer ball which happily found its way to inches next to my face. so for the hour or so there i spent my time yowling in terror and trauma whenever those evil round things came near. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

yay i think truly, God's grace is more than we'll ever need, more than we can ask for, more than enough. His grace has seen me thru dark and difficult moments and today was no exception. couldn't have gotten thru the day this well without it. thank You God!

met ryan on the bus today, he was seriously a godsend. his frank opinions, suggestions and encouragement has given me courage, motivation and this great sense of urgency to act on this pressing problem at hand. thank you ryan! i've learnt a tremendous lot today and i will work on it!!

wc :: 8:09 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008
sunday out, sunday ow.

L:change the world was quite a letdown. dry on the climax, moderate on gore but humour was alright to me hah! pink angel crepe van!! but i still love L! he's super cute!

i slipped and slid down one third of the way down the escalator. OW. PAINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! unglam man. well at least i didn't tumble down the escalator, i slid higgledy-piggledy down the grooved steps instead. people all around stared, some went "aiyoo!", maybe a few even sniggered but no one offered to help. singaporeans. what an unsympathetic bunch. tsk. now i can't move my right arm vigorously, i have trouble walking, my right ankle hurts and worst of all my bum hurts. for at least a week from tomorrow i'll have to sit on my left bum in lectures and tutorials. hmmph.

wc :: 7:08 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

PRAISE GOD!! WEELIC ENTERED OUR FAMILY OF GOD TODAY!!! ohmygosh i'm sososososososo happy!!!! thanks to God of course! to samuel too, who so kindly sat next to him to explain stuff during altar call! thanks wise ol' caveman!! yay!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))

svc today was great! harvest was great too! praise God! sermon was powerful as well, it spoke personally to many individuals today and yeah to me as well! (return of the prodigal son) received a few divine reminders which are just so timely! yay! smileysmiley!! oh and i must NOT niao liping! hahah sorry lips!! i'll protect you from anyone who niaos you in future on top of not niaoing you myself! hee!

i slept past my stop all the way to the interchange and this auntie nudged me sharply and went," dao liao lo! hai bu yao qi lai ah!" i grunted and shut my eyes again. then she shouted at me to wake up the next time and i was like chill man! but thank God for auntie! hahah or i'd be parked in the bus bay for the night! *shudders*

yay i'm watching L:change the world with QIUBX(your name comes before mich! sorry darling mich!!)mich and lingling tmr:))))))) yay i love qiubx!!!

off to shower!

This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.(jeremiah 9:23-24)
mm just a thought: let us not boast about our achievements, in all things let's credit God who's deserving of all praise, cus He's the one who allows for ALL the good things in the world to happen! so yeah let's lift everything up to Him again!

how could i live without You...

wc :: 10:07 PM

Friday, February 22, 2008
blessings in counting

YAY! i've finally gotten a blog!! like eons after the blog came into existence ha! special thanks to DAMIAN the com pro!! he did it up under five minutes that's crazy! he's seriously some genius, the next einstein or something. maybe he'll invent a teleport machine woohoo! then i won't have to carry on with the i-don't-know-how-many episodes of the "unglam acts of the bus-chasing LATEcoming queen" ha. thanks damian!

OH. we've been posted OUT OF SWIM PE!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! one word: COOL.

i reached the bus stop at 6 this morn, thought i'd have at least ten minutes to have some time with God before prayer meet BUT the buses at the interchange weren't dispensed on time for some reason and the bus came only at 6.20!! i was SO ANNOYED. really. hmm but prayer meet wasn't over by the time i got there so yay!

received a super sweet sms from sharlene! again! yay i simply love her man! thank God for sharlene!

one confirmed visitor for ESS tmr! praaaaaayyyyy!!!!!

talked to florence today, learned a lot from her! love her too!

met dr. ross along my way outta sch today with his daughters hahah and he was like "still workin' on it!" cuz i asked him for the hc teddy since last year hah!

OH today's friday! yay! and i had my usual four hour nap-nice! i just love fridays! fridays just spell JOY, rest and relief. the weight of burdens chalked up over the week can more or less be put down a wee while. yes i know we can give them to Jesus, because He's promised to do so but well maybe at times we're just too preoccupied with the problems at hand and conveniently forget to turn to Jesus, which is a rather silly thing to do but we all do it one time or another anyway. HMM. i still have a long way to go in this! all the same fridays really rock, so do saturdays! saturday's another day of liberation!! partly cus i get to sleep in and i truly love it!) but mostly cus there's SERVICE!!! yay thank God for fridays and saturdays! then there's sunday. i don't really like sundays though hahah. cuz the next day's a monday and i really honestly sincerely terribly DISLIKE mondays!! haiiiyaa!!! oh but i remember once my friend asked, " does it matter how many days we have in a week, or what the days of the week are? so what if there were 12 days in a week or if everyday were fridays?" and the underlying message i thought of was that no day is a bad day when you put God in the way so i'm still trying to put God in my mondays especially, hahha, from flag-raising at high school side to the three periods of gp before co which ends at 7pm. hmm...

and i still have some issues to sort out... i can't afford to yield to my circumstances all the time and i'm sick of that happening because i do try not to. okayy i shall try again and this time my problems will know that my God pwns em' all! hohoho!!

thank you damian again!

wc :: 10:54 PM


wan chien!
20 mar 1990!
punggol primary school
chij st Nicholas girls’s school
hwa chong institution

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God’s beloved child!
Enjoying every bit of this amazing adventure with Jesus!
Totally love God, family and friends!
Loves also, sleep, GOOD food, visiting new places and SHOPPING!!
Needs to curb certain VIOLENT tendencies when facing CERTAIN people hoho!


in alphabetical order

-Kai Meng
-Lim Mingyi
-07S6G Class Blog
-08S6G Class Blog


February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

July 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

May 2009

July 2009